for collegiate gaming and esports

Establishing a holistic collegiate esports and gaming ecosystem, while promoting local community growth and engagement.
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BattleproNIRSAIMLeaguesTwitch StudentGamer Sensei

Tournament and league creation

A simple and robust tournament creation system for leagues and events

discord integration

Discord integration allows you to connect directly


Don’t just say you are the best, show you are the best

on campus events

Create live events for students to participate in with the option to set entry fees

Calendar integration

Keep track of your events with automatic notifications to your Google calendar

Gear up for a better price

Purchase gaming equipment at a discount through our exclusive partnerships and by cashing in the XP earned on our platform


Community and club management

Follow your favorite clubs, pro teams, games, and friends, and link all of your social media outlets in one place

School hubs

Fully manage university events, operations, and communication, and customize your school page design and branding

Conference hubs

A centralized location to manage and communicate across all schools and students within a conference

Ready to start browsing tournaments?

Student feedback

We highly value feedback and students have LOTS of it. Use our Discord channel to give us a unique idea we use in our platform development and earn a $100 value care package. Best unique idea between now and November wins a mouth-watering $3,000 complete gaming station. Let the feedback (and memes) begin!

Join our discussion

Why now?

Casual tabletop, mobile gaming, recreational gaming, and competitive esport participation is on the rise!

Massive audience

With 23 million college students in the United States, 70% play video games. 24% list gaming as a major source of community in their lives and a reason they return to the same school.

Co-ed sport

With women making up nearly 45% of the total gaming population, esports provides a level playing field for co-ed competition.

Skyrocketing scholarships

Tens of millions of dollars have been provided to students in the form of esports scholarships and aid, which grew 480% in the past year alone.

Explosive growth

Esports is growing at an incredible rate (41.3% year-over-year) and will eventually grow to $1.5 billion by 2020 as branding doubles.

It’s already happening

The National Association of Collegiate Esports (NACE) has registered over 80 collegiate varsity esports programs in North America and the number is growing each month.

Gaming is everywhere

Over 520 college level esports programs are in existence for gaming in America based on the latest annual report from the Entertainment Software Association (ESA).

Start finding and organizing esport events

Ready to start browsing tournaments?

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